
Monday, August 14, 2017

Review : Emina City Chic CC Cake

Sebenernya sejak Emina launching (yg mana udah lama banget), ini salah satu produk yang masuk wishlist aku. Cuma karena kemaren-kemaren belum butuh dan belum ada store Emina di daerahku,  jadi ya baru kesampean nyoba sekarang.

Katanya Emina salah satu (kalau bukan satu-satunya) produk lokal yang punya design dan packaging yang cute.  Well,  aku ngga tau harus setuju dengan istilah cute atau ngga,  tapi yang jelas packagingnya cukup menarik perhatian ciwi-ciwi yang terobsesi jadi princess kaya aku. (tapi sekarang udah naik level ding,  obsesi jadi Queen. Tetep!  Haha)

Boxnya di design sesuai nama produknya, City Chic, jadi bertema landscape perkotaan gitu lah.  Warna boxnya peachy-pink dan packaging CC cakenya sendiri berwarna gradasi pink.  Pendapatku?  Lutcuuuuw!! 

Seperti pada umumnya, di box terdapat deskripsi produk, shade, expired date,  ingredients dan barcode. 

Ada logo Emina yang gemesh. 

Nah,  kemasan produknya sendiri mirip banget sama kakak-kakanya yaitu Wardah dan Makeover (FYI bagi yang belum tau, Emina di produksi oleh PT. Paragon Technology yang juga memproduksi Wardah dan MakeOver) 

Jadi bentuknya bulet gendud,  dan ada pemisah antara bedak dengan aplikatornya. Ohiya,  di dalemnya udah ada spons bawaan,  tapi ngga usah tanya kualitas spons bawaannya ya,  kayanya kamu udah tau juga kualitas aplikator bawaan. 

Dia punya lima shade.  Mulai dari yang paling terang sampe paling gelap, dari yang pink base sampe yellow base.  Dan aku pilih shade Latte yang paling gelap. Base nya yellow tone kenceng banget hampir oranye.  Pas di toko mbak BA-nya sempet bilang Latte kayanya kegelapan buat aku,  tp daripada pektay aku lebih pilih keiteman. 

Ternyata salah, teman.  Pake bedak yang shade-nya lebih gelap, bukan keiteman,  cuma keliatan dekil aja kaya abis main layangan tiga hari ngga pulang-pulang. 

Ini teksturnya. Aku akuin buttery banget, enak pas dicolek. Aku selalu aplikasiin pake kuas,  soalnya kalau pake spons jatohnya belang dan ga rata. 

Dia punya aroma asem-asem gitu yang aku perkirakan aroma apricot karena di ingredients nya terdapat bahan ini.  Maaf aku ngga tau,  belum pernah ngendus buah apricot sebelumnya. Dan aku ga suka sama baunya (just so you know,  I'm not a fan of scented face products) 

Soal coverage,  menurutku pribadi dia cukup baik untuk meratakan warna kulit. Tapi kalo untuk jerawat dan red marks so so aja sih. 

Di aku,  bedak ini oxidize. Dan oil controlnya ngga bekerja.  Aku pakai jam 6 pagi sebelum ngampus,  jam 10-an udah kucel banget kaya abis keliling lapangan basket lima puteran. Ngga tau juga di orang lain, review orang lain banyak yang positif soalnya.  Kembali lagi le prinsip cocok-cocokkan ya. 

Satu lagi,  aku ngga yakin apa produk ini yang bikin breakout, karena pas nyoba pertama kali , aku juga lagi pakai ulang Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening Milk. Yang jelas di bagian pipi dekat rahang timbul bruntusan. 

Overall,  aku suka dengan kemasannya tapi ngga terlalu dengan produknya.  Repurchase? Nope.  
Recommended?  If you have no problem with scented TWC and don't have an extra oily face, then you might want to give it a shot. 

Price 30K something (beli pas lagi sale di Watsons)  normal price 44K. More info go check out their website on www.eminacosmetics.com



Friday, January 6, 2017

Review : Oriflame Tender Care Blackcurrent Protecting Balm

Hai,  sweethearts.
Hari ini aku mau share review dari Oriflame Tender Care Blackcurrent Protecting Balm yang aku beli bulan desember lalu.  

Sebelumnya, aku mau cerita dulu. Aku udah tau tentang si mungil ini cukup lama,  tapi ngga pernah kepikiran untuk beli karena menurutku harganya ngga sebanding dengan isi produknya yang cuma 15ml (baca: pelit 😋) , dan aku juga rada parno sama skincare atau makeup yang containernya berbentuk jar atau pot kaya gini.  Kebayang kan kita ambil produknya mesti dicolek-colek make jari?

Tapi karena waktu itu aku kehabisan lipbalm,  dan kebetulan tender care ini lagi promo, yaudah aku putusin untuk nyoba. Aku udah hafal bentuk, tekstur dan aromanya, jadi ngga ada ekspektasi apa-apa. Yang aku ngga tau,  ternyata dia dateng dengan box berwarna sama yaitu ungu gelap.  

Di boxnya ada tulisan macem-macem.  Iya, macem - macem bahasa.  Intinya sih ada ingredients,  keterangan produk,  expired date dll. 

Sebenernya di katalog ada dua varian yang bisa dipilih.  Satu yang blackcurrent ini,  satu lagi punya kemasan warna pale pink.  Aku hampir tergoda buat ambil yang pink ( cuz I'm a total sucker of pink❤) tapi aku ragu soalnya aku ngga yakin sama aromanya.  Aku fikir baunya bakalan rose or something,  belakangan aku baru tau ternyata itu yang original/plain. Jadi ngga beraroma.  Thank God sih aku ngga pilih yang itu karena aku pakai tender care ini sebagai pelembab bibir. Boring aja kayanya lipbalm ngga punya aroma 😑 Dan wanginya blackcurrent ini enyaaaak banget.  Super love it! 

Teksturnya seperti balsem, ngga lebih ngga kurang. Tapi mungkin bakal berubah kalo ke expose panas. 
 Aku suka karena dia kupakai sebelum tidur dan pas bangun bibirku masih berasa becek-becek lembap gitu haha.  

Ukurannya bisa dikategorikan gemesh. Mungil banget sampe bisa  dimasukin saku (apalagi pouch makeup kan?)

Ohiya,  dia juga bisa dikapai untuk kulit yang kering seperti tumit, siku dan lutut.  Mungkin bakal aku pakai untuk tumit kalau udah mendekati expire, karena sayang aja produk enak begini dipake di kaki 😁

Overall,  aku suka banget sama Oriflame Tender Care Blackcurrent Protecting Balm ini.  Repurchase?  Yap,  kalau ada promo (tetep!) 
Recommended?  Yap,  versatile banget soalnya! 
Price 15K ( bought on sale)  normal price around 30K. 



Sunday, July 31, 2016

How To Pick The Right Planner For Newcomer

For those of you who have just entered the planner world, choosing the right planner for the first time can be a bit overwhelming. There are a lot of planner types offered out there that you can find easily in stores both offline and online. The problem my friend, is, sometimes they just don’t fit your needs. Whether they’re overpriced or are hard to get … or in some cases, they’re just simply not cute enough hehe.

In this post, I'll be sharing with you some tips to pick the right planner for newcomer. These are some basic questions you might want to ask yourself before you go to the store and purchase one. Just in case you need some hints of what planner you're probably want to try.

1. What am I going to use it for?
Okay, first thing first. Are you planning to use it as a study planner, personal planner, wedding planner or home organizing planner. I've seen lots of people use theirs for different purposes, and all of them are fantastically practical and pretty to look at, at the same time! The more things you have to organize, the bigger space you will need. Some of them may be included with the inserts and have some tabs as well. It can be per month or per section tabs. It’s just they usually come with a very plain inserts.  Of course you can take them off and change them with your own, but it can be very useful if you have no time - or maybe enough source- yet to customize it. You can still work with it before you do the setup completely too.
korean cute school study planner agenda 127pages 15.3*11.5cm
 2. What do I need of a planner?
How do you want it, in a vertical or horizontal layout. Do you want a fully customize or do you feel okay with the inserts that come with it. Some of them come with a lot of pockets that can be very useful if you’re planning to bring it when you’re doing a grocery shop. Oh, and don’t forget about the closure. They usually come with button closure or elastic band closure. At the end, just make sure you know exactly what you want before you buy it.

3. What size do I prefer the most?
If the A5 is too big and the A7 size is too tiny, then you should consider the A6. In fact, there are so many options of planner size that you can choose. If you think about bringing your planner everywhere, believe me that you don’t want it to be too heavy nor too big and fits in most of your purses. 

4. How much is my budget for a planner?
Sometimes a cute planner costs too much peny. I personally only have a minimum budget per month for my planner supplies. And my planners mostly are unbranded since I’m just a student whose a little allowance. But hey! they fit me well. You don’t always have to buy an expensive planner because you still can customize and personalize it with your taste later, just like what I always do to mine.

5. Where can I buy it?
Last question is, where you can buy it. Some famous brands , they not only have offline stores but also have an online store where you can purchase the item direct from the web. It's just when they're located miles away from you, the shipping cost can be even more expensive than the planner itself. But don’t worry, I believe you can find a seller in your country that will manage you to get the product with reasonable price. The first two places you probably want to check are Etsy and Instagram.  Or, if you still want to get them directly from the web, you can ask your friends to join you and share the shipping cost.


So, I guess that’s it for today. I hope you find this post useful and thanks a lot for visiting my humble blog. If you have anything to ask, feel free to comment . See you in my next post.


Planxiety 101.